Sponsorship Information

Saturday, July 19th 2025

The Ashby Appreciation Days 5K is an important fundraiser for the Ashby Legacy Fund, which is a non-profit organization that supports the Ashby Public School, funds scholarships for Ashby graduates, and sponsors community programming in Ashby, including the annual Appreciation Days weekend, the Halloween Trunk or Treat, Santa Day, and the Community Egg Hunt.  Our recent projects include refurbishing the Ashby Park basketball court, funding remodeling projects at the Senior Center, and developing a community skating rink.  If you or your business would like to sponsor the 2024 Appreciation Days 5K, please contact us at ashby5km@gmail.com for more information or download a sponsorship registration form.

2024 Sponsorship Levels by monetary amount or in-kind donation value*:

*Non-monetary donations could include discounted services, race supplies/snacks, and event advertising

Silver ($100-$149):
Small logo or company name on T-shirt

Gold ($150-$199):
Medium logo or company name on T-shirt + 1 free race entry

Platinum ($200-299):  
Large logo or company name on T-shirt + 2 free race entries

Diamond ($300 or more):
Large logo or company name on T-shirt + 2 free race entries + company name on a mile or route marker

All sponsorship levels include:
Acknowledgement on the Ashby Appreciation Days 5K Event page on Facebook and on the www.ashby5k.com website.
Listing on the Sponsor Board, which will be displayed prominently at the race.
Inclusion of your company's promotional materials (brochures, business cards, coupons, pens, magnets, etc) in the race bag given to each registered participant.

The ALF Community Team must receive sponsorship registration forms and logo JPEG or GIF images no later than June 17th to guarantee inclusion on T-shirts and signage.